Our commitment

Corporate social responsibility is a fundamental part of our decision-making and business strategy development. From the very beginning, it has been important for us to become involved in the community and to undertake concrete actions to promote the sustainability of our company and advance an eco-friendly attitude. We have a responsibility with respect to the environmental and human impact of our activities, and we must plan our actions accordingly.

Our ecological commitment 

LABPLAS has always taken an approach to markets and customers that is focused on people and the environment. We were quick to ask ourselves how the company’s operations would impact future generations and the planet. Concern for the environment and a deep desire to improve our consumption habits have always been part of our thinking and have always influenced our strategies.  

With this in mind and aware of emerging environmental concerns, we furthered our research in 2008 (in collaboration with universities, government institutes and renowned biochemists in the field of polymers) in order to create the first ever environmentally friendly sterile sampling bag made of biodegradable plastic, with no impact on the analytical results of the samples collected.  

To date, we remain the only company that offers this type of biodegradable product on the world market. Our product offering has evolved over the years, and we are now proud to offer our customers a Biodegradable Product Line, which includes a range of products to meet various sampling needs.

Our actions 

Lighting that consumes less energy and lasts longer. 

Recovery of heat from our equipments for heating our installations. 

Introduction of new digital tools to reduce paper use to a minimum.

Promotion of recycling in the company's offices and production facility.

Recycling of all surplus products produced.  

Supply of a line of biodegradable products enabling laboratories to initiate a change towards sustainable development.   

Our social commitment 

Christmas baskets 

For over 30 years, LABPLAS managers and employees have been involved in the community through the donation of their time and energy to Christmas baskets that help families in need during the holiday season. All employees are mobilized over a four-month time frame to collect and then distribute food baskets in time for Christmas, offering food for a period of three to four weeks. 

Missing Children’s Network

For many years, LABPLAS has supported the Missing Children’s Network, a non-profit organization whose mission is to assist parents in finding their missing child and to contribute, through public education, to the reduction of missing children. Because our products are shipped to more than 60 countries, we display the Missing Children’s Network newsletters on all our shipments. In this way, we are trying to increase the visibility around the world of photos of missing children, and we hope to be able to help them find their families as soon as possible. 

Diversity and inclusion 

Managing diversity and inclusion in the workplace is essential to enriching human capital and stimulating creativity and innovation. At LABPLAS, we believe that diversity represents a richness in all areas of our lives, both personally and professionally. In addition to paying special attention to diversity and inclusion when hiring staff, we also support intellectually disabled people with the creation of positions designed for them and subcontract two NPOs that promote the integration into the workforce of people with intellectual disabilities, physical disabilities or mental illness. 

Pay equity 

At LABPLAS, we strongly believe in equal pay for work of equal value. Along with diversity and inclusion, the principles of equity and justice are central to our beliefs and are reflected in our actions. Fostering a fair compensation system strengthens interpersonal relationships, increases the ability to recruit and retain employees, improves employee engagement and productivity and makes the company more competitive. 

Talk to an advisor

Do you have any questions or concerns? We are here to help! Our advisors are available to answer all your questions and assist you in finding the best solutions. You can contact us by phone, email, or by using the contact form on our website. We will be happy to assist you as soon as possible.

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