Work smarter, not harder

Work smarter, not harder

Work smarter, not harder

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By Sofia Jule-Manzon
LABPLAS Scientific Support Specialist

Scientifique analysant des plantes

Any business should strive to work smarter and more efficiently. This will boost productivity, creativity, efficacy, and save precious energy. Therefore, key to greater productivity in business, including laboratories, is to work smarter and not harder. The EnrichPod kit was created with laboratory efficiency in mind. The EnrichPod kit contains a dehydrated enrichment pouch to consolidate different steps into one. Of course, different ways exist to achieve such goals. Here, we selected six tips that we found particularly interesting to attain quality and efficiency in the laboratory.

1 – Optimize Lab processes and Workflow

Laboratory processes and workflow should be as easy and straightforward as possible to maximize speed, cost and resources. The spaghetti diagram is a good way to start and visually represent the current workflow. The diagram serves as a visual map to analyse the process using a continuous flow line tracing the workflow of the laboratory process.

This helps better understand the current process and identify redundant or unnecessary steps. Overlapping steps should be minimized, and the diagram optimized. An optimized workflow would even help organize the laboratory appropriately; having workstations, that follow lab processes. Aforementioned, many redundant steps exist in laboratories that could be eliminated or optimized to obtain the best process. One of many examples is the preparation of enrichment broth that may be long and tedious. That is why LABPLAS has developed a product designed to help technicians save time and facilitate this step. The EnrichPod Kit is a free-standing sterile bag containing a pre-dosed dehydrated enrichment broth pouch that readily dissolves in water for ease of use. This product was designed to allow a simplified workflow when performing USDA/FSIS Listeria monocytogenes isolation method or Salmonella spp. isolation method for 25 g of sample and/or for environmental samples using either modified University of Vermont broth or Buffered Peptone Water, respectively.

2 – Organize Time and Workplace

Knowing the time each task takes to be completed is the first step to effectively manage time and reduce downtime. This exercise should be done at the end of day by analysing each task performed throughout the day. This is useful in order to better prepare for the upcoming days when doing similar work assignments. On the contrary, the beginning of the day should be focused on planning and prioritizing each task. Taking note of the tasks to be done not only helps organize the day by saving time but also reduces employees’ stress. We also recommend the EnrichPod kit to shorten preparation time. No need to prepare the media in advance and to sterilize it. As mentioned previously, these steps may be long, tedious and require planning. In this case, all you need is sterile water.

Organizing one’s time is definitely essential, but organizing the workplace may be as beneficial. A well-disposed workplace ensures safety and productivity, and prevents delays; no time wasted trying to determine the next task or to search for instruments and equipment. Everything should be easily accessible and displayed to work effectively, and efficiently. Workstations should each have their own purpose and be as intuitive as possible. Walking areas should be clear, and equipment cleaned and put away at their proper storing place.

3 – Hire the Right People

Hiring the right people can greatly increase efficiency. Hiring people with experience and new ideas can improve the dynamics of the laboratory. Someone who adapts rapidly, is versatile and does not need a great deal of additional training is always an advantage. Especially knowing that training someone with less experience may take up to 70 percent more time than someone with competencies.¹

Another reason hiring the right people is important is the cost associated to high turnover. The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) has estimated the cost to replace supervisory, technical and management employees to be between 50 to several hundred percent of employee salaries.2 Having people with different skills that complement each other also has its benefits, for example having people with good technical skills while having others with better management skills. Managers should also make sure to provide all requirements for the employees’ work, as well as to keep them motivated, involved and excited in their work.

4 – Standarize your Work Habits

Standardization is important and writing them as standard operating procedures (SOPs) can help employees follow a precise method. SOPs are step-by-step written instructions that should include details on standards and potential hazards and how to mitigate them.

In general, people will have their own approach to each problem or task. The most common SOPs are written for production, which people take as a fundamental procedure. However, they usually fail to see its pertinence in other circumstances, such as in laboratories. In fact, SOPs should be included for every department.

In laboratories, every analysis should be replicable, no matter the technician or researcher following the procedure. Variations in processes could have great impact on time, quality and results of the analysis. Having written standardized procedures also helps remember each step and prevents errors. Standardization can be especially useful in case of interruptions or unexpected situations. This helps improve time management, quality of results, planning and overall efficiency.

5 – Foster a culture of Innovation

Routines and comfort are the enemies of progress and innovation. A laboratory, like any other business, should aim to improve and innovate. Standardization and SOPs should not halt improvement. It is important to keep an open mind and always improve processes, as they may be outdated for different reasons, because of technological advances, new discoveries, new methods, etc. Work environment should help employees aim for continuous improvement. Not only does it keep employees motivated but it also improves efficiency and overall quality. To be able to set such an environment, it is important to continuously challenge people to self reflect on their own tasks. It is also important for the manager to promote this type of environment by encouraging communication and camaraderie between employees; this is also an aspect where hiring the right people will greatly make a difference. However, time should be allocated for these improvements and they should be reviewed and scientifically validated when possible.

6 – Tools and Equipment Optimisation

Having the right equipment can make a difference and can be as important as having the right people manipulating them. Inappropriate tools or equipment will lead to errors and jeopardize results of the analysis. They ultimately put the whole process at risk and therefore create imprecise and inaccurate results. In the end, the appropriate tool or equipment can shorten time of manipulation, produce high-quality results, and prevent downtime.

Tasks in laboratories include many repetitive steps that have been automated progressively to maximize time and optimize results. Investing in higher quality tools and equipment will ultimately generate more capital. Considering all these real life experiences, LABPLAS developed the EnrichPod kit as a way to meet the needs of the ever-changing market.

In summary, there are many different ways to make a laboratory more efficient. Tasks should be planned, co-workers should work in synergy, processes, workflow, time and equipment should be optimized, etc. To be efficient, there is no need to overwork oneself but only to make the wisest and smartest choices. These were but six suggestions to start-off on the right foot. Adhering to these principles should significantly help reduce costs, improve time management and overall efficiency. These can also help improve moral in the laboratory and employees’ mental health. LABPLAS always aspires to better itself and aims to follow these tips, as well as to continuously seek a better understanding of its clients’ needs. Accordingly, LABPLAS designs and creates products such as the EnrichPod kit to help solve problems that may exist in the laboratory. This product illustrates that since it was developed to save space and time with no weighing or autoclaving necessary. The kits can also be stored at room temperature and the bags can stand up on their own. For all your needs in sampling tools, visit LABPLAS’ website at

¹ Morris Bixby (2017). Why is Hiring The Right Person Essential? (Pourquoi est-il essentiel d’embaucher la bonne personne?) Extrait de

² Galbreath. R. (2000). Employee turnover hurts small and large organization profitability (Le roulement du personnel nuit à la rentabilité des petites et des grandes organisations) [Livre blanc de la SHRM]. Extrait de

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